Tradition Reform Unity Stability Transparency

Welcome to the official website of Jair Peltier; your candidate for Turtle Mountain Chairman!

We are excited to announce the candidacy of Jair Peltier for Turtle Mountain Chairman. He has the expertise and lived experience to ensure that our tribal government can run effectively, free from corruption, and on a path for sustainable growth. Learn more about Jair here

  • Master of Arts in Human Rights – Catholic University of America
  • Delegate to the 42nd United Nations Center for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business Forum
  • Delegate to the Intersessional Meeting of the United Nations Human Rights Council
  • Delegate to the 17th Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council / Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Our Mission: Three Main Goals

This campaign is run primarily on three main promises; to increase the transparency of Turtle Mountain tribal affairs, to reevaluate our blood quantum requirements, and to reform our tribal constitution to streamline tribal government. Following the middle way, creating pathways for generations to come will follow from Unity, Transparency, and Reform. Read an overview of our goals below. More details about planning can be found here.

Escape the hustle of city life

Transparency and Accountability

For years, there has been a fundamental distrust of tribal government in general and in particular, the way that the current tribal council has handled our COVID-19 emergency funds. The current tribal council is under investigation by the U.S. Treasury’s Office of Inspector General for potential mismanagement of over $30 Million dollars (read the report here).

As chairman, I will ensure that we have an independent third party audit of all tribal financing over the last five years and issue a publicly accessible report to all our tribal members in order to restore trust in our tribal institutions. We need to send a strong message, that no one can defraud our people and face no consequences. It’s time for authentic transparency and real accountability.

Unity and Blood Quantum

The concept of Blood Quantum developed out of the colonial period, as a means of intentionally erasing Indigenous identity over time. Under blood quantum, with every passing generation, we inevitably lose members. Countless children and relatives are limited to “descendant” status and therefore miss out on opportunities and rights afforded to full members. Many of our descendant relatives are helping preserve our culture, our language, and our identity all while we miss out on their potential time and talents that they are so ready to offer.

We must acknowledge that our Turtle Mountain people have always been diverse. Many of our relatives identify as Chippewa/Anishinaabe, Cree, Metis, Assiniboine, and everything in between. We even have relatives who are Black, Latino, and others, their identity as Turtle Mountain people is equally important. Under our constitutional reform initiative, we aim to eliminate blood quantum once and for all, and build a better home for all our relatives. It is through unity that we are truly strong.

Tribal Government and Constitutional Reform

Since the inception of our modern day tribal government, going back to the Indian Reorganization period, we have grappled with western influence in our tribal government and an overall regression of our traditional governance systems and culture. We have adopted western governmental structures without putting in place safeguards against concentration of power or corruption. In other words we have introduced democracy without proper checks and balances.

We do not have a clearly defined executive branch, our tribal council is not truly representative, and the current council has significantly consolidated business powers over the last few years. I aim to address these concerns and establish a more sustainable tribal government by separating legislative and executive power, separating business and politics through an economic development corporation, and ensuring that district representatives are elected only by their district voters.

Our reform efforts will also provide space for traditional leaders and elders who are the keepers of our traditions, customs, and culture. We will reestablish our traditional governance structures to act as monitors and advisors to the tribal government, ensuring that our civic government does not neglect or betray our traditional values, the seven grandfathers teachings, or the general well being of all our tribal people.


Jair 4 Chair Campaign

PO Box 271

Dunseith, ND 58329

LinkedIn <—check out my resume under Current Curriculum Vitae


Now I don’t like talking about money, especially campaign financing, but we are going up against a lot of cash this election cycle. Some estimate that the current tribal council has access to campaign financing of up to $2Million dollars. I humbly ask for a small contribution, whatever you can give, to keep this campaign going strong to finally hold the tribal council accountable.

Chip in here by using the QR code or visit